Wakefield Council has a legal duty to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults. Any employees who work with them should report anything they think could be abuse.
Specific teams within Children and Young People, and Adults work with the Wakefield and District Safeguarding Children Board (SGCB) and Safeguarding Adults Board (SGAB) under the following legislation:
- Human Rights Act (1998)
- Sexual Offences Act (2003)
- Children Act 2004
- The Local Safeguarding Children Boards Regulations 2006
- Care Act 2014
- Education Act 2020
Some vulnerable young people are entitled to services from a local authority beyond the age of 18. Wakefield Council must keep in touch with care leavers until they are at least 21 years old.
In some cases, the support provided can be extended until they are 25. If the young person is pursuing a programme of education or training.
Wakefield Council employees are working in a position of trust if they are supporting such young people.
All breaches of a position of trust will be considered in accordance with Wakefield Council's (or School's) Disciplinary Policy. Here it is possible that the employee concerned will be summarily dismissed for gross misconduct.