Wakefield Together Executive

The 'Wakefield Together Executive' brings together executive leaders and influencers to develop a vision for Wakefield, and to provide oversight and challenge to the wider 'Wakefield Together' partnership family.

The Wakefield Together Executive supports organisations to collaborate and work together for the overall success of the District. They do this by focussing on strategic issues, championing change programmes and initiatives, unblocking bias and inertia, sharing intelligence, and responding locally to national, regional and international policy issues.

The Wakefield Together Executive has developed a vision for the Wakefield of the future which all partners in Wakefield are signed up to deliver, including a set of principles for how partners are going to work together, and what they will prioritise in order to deliver the vision. This vision can be found here.

Members of the Wakefield Together Executive are:

  • Councillor Denise Jeffery (Chair) - Leader of the Council
  • Sue Soroczan - District Manager, JobcentrePlus
  • Tony Reeves - Chief Executive, Wakefield Council
  • Jo Webster - Chief Officer, Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Richard Close - District Commander, West Yorkshire Police
  • Sam Wright - Principal, Wakefield and Selby Colleges
  • Vicky Schofield, Corporate Director for Children and Young People, Wakefield Council
  • Andy Wallhead, Chief Executive – Wakefield District Housing
  • Mike Holt, Chair, Wakefield NOVA
  • Lee Miller, District Commander, Wakefield - West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
  • Cllr Maureen Cummings – Chair of Health and Wellbeing Board and Chair of Community Safety Partnership
  • Cllr Margaret Isherwood – Chair of Children and Young Peoples Partnership

Other partnerships

Wakefield district has a number of strategic partnership Boards that bring partners together to improve outcomes for residents. These are;

Community Safety Partnership

The Community Safety Partnership brings together relevant partners so they can work together to develop the strategic approach to safer communities. They work to deliver a number of strategic objectives which are published in the Community Safety Plan.

Children and Young People's Partnership

Through the Children and Young People's Partnership, partners work together to improve the lives of children and young people in Wakefield. The partnership provides the strategic direction for decision-making about services and provides the strategic leadership across relevant organisations to make progress against agreed ambitions, priorities and outcomes.

The Children and Young People's Plan

The partnership is currently in the process of reviewing its Children and Young People's Plan and a copy will be available late summer 2022.


Wakefield First

Wakefield first is a public and private sector led strategic organisation responsible for attracting inward investment, supporting trade, and raising the profile of the Wakefield district. Their key motivations are sustainable economic growth, job creation and promotion of the Wakefield district as a vibrant, dynamic and competitive region with global aspirations.

Find out more about Wakefield First on their website

Wakefield Council has an Economic Strategy which can be viewed.

Health and Wellbeing Board

The Health and Wellbeing Board is a strategic, statutory body which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the residents of Wakefield and to reduce inequalities in outcomes. The Board acts as a forum for collaborative leadership across relevant organisations and is required to encourage those who arrange for the provision of health or social care services to work in an integrated manner.

The Wakefield District Health and Wellbeing Plan 2022 – 2025 sets out the Boards aims for the people of Wakefield district to live longer, healthier lives. You can find out more about the Board, and see the Plan on our website.

Safeguarding Boards

There is a statutory requirement that each area has Safeguarding Boards for adults and children. Their job is to provide expert and detailed scrutiny that all agencies are meeting their responsibilities to keep vulnerable adults and children safe, and that systemic risks are identified and addressed. The Boards' work provides constructive challenge about where we need to improve and reassurance when the right processes are in place. Further information can be found on each Board's website:

Wakefield District Safeguarding Children Board
Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board

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