Public Rights of Way register

The definitive map is the legal record of all Public Rights of Way, this includes:

  • footpaths
  • bridleways
  • byways
  • restricted byways

Changes to the definitive map can only be made by a legal order.

Register of applications to modify the definitive map - Section 53 Register​

The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 states that the Council must provide a register of definitive map modification orders. ​

There are three types of definitive map modification orders :

  • adding a Public Right of Way to the definitive map
  • deleting the Public Right of Way from the definitive map
  • upgrading or downgrading the status of a Public Right of Way (for example, a footpath to a bridleway)

We prioritise definitive map modification orders based on certain criteria. Those applications that are considered a high priority will be processed immediately. The categories are:


  • incomplete application
  • minimum benefit to the network
  • route not under threat of closure


  • partially complete application
  • some benefit to the network
  • landowner challenging the existence of a Public Right of Way


  • complete application
  • considerable benefit to the network
  • route under serious threat, for instance, planning application

Download the register of applications to modify the definitive​ ma​p​.

Please be aware that the online register and mapping is as up-to-date as possible. It may not however include the most recent changes.

This will be brought up-to-date as soon as possible. In the meantime, please contact for current information. 

Changing the route of a ​public right of way

To allow for a development, the route of a public right of way may need to be changed. Landowners and developers can apply to divert paths under the Highways Act 1980 or Town and Country Planning Act 1990. If the criteria are met, the Council can create orders to divert, stop-up, and create paths.

You can view the proposed changes, where a legal order had been made, on the public rights of way mapping.

You can see a paper copy of the section 53 register or the proposed changes register, free of charge. This can be done between 8:30am and 5pm Monday to Friday at:

Customer Access Point
Wakefield One
Burton Street

If you have any questions about the registers or the definitive map, please contact the Public Rights of Way Team.​

Contact Us

Public Rights of Way Wakefield One PO Box 700 Burton Street Wakefield WF1 2EB

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