Fighting fraud

We're committed to fighting fraud, can you help us?

Reporting fraud against the Council is important as it prevents the misuse of public money. It also ensures that there are enough funds to provide services for people in Wakefield.

If you suspect that someone is committing fraud against the Council, you can report it to us so that we can investigate and take action.

Examples of frauds we want to hear about:

  • fraudulent and / or dishonest behaviour by Members, Officers or other people or Bodies who represent the Council

  • people representing the Council who:
    • break the law
    • don't follow regulations
    • behave in a dishonest / unethical way

  • abuse or misuse of Council property such as buildings, vehicles or equipment

  • waste, extravagance, or other losses which have happened because of ineffective or uneconomic use of Council materials, staff, poor administration, or other causes

  • general wrongdoing not covered above, examples include:
    • abuse of authority or power
    • poor service provision
    • mis-use of information

Report a Fraud

When you contact us, we'll need as much detail as possible. Every case will be treated with total confidentiality.

You can provide information anonymously if you want, but it would be useful if we could contact you if we need more information to help our investigation.

Sharing data for the prevention and detection of fraud

Contact Us

Corporate Counter-Fraud Team Wakefield Council Wakefield One PO Box 700 Wakefield WF1 2EB

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