Libraries and local history
We need to review the opening hours of our library services.
You can help inform our decisions by filling in a survey. It won’t take long, but sharing your views will make a difference.
Read, learn, connect and relax in our welcoming libraries. With thousands of books to choose from, local history resources and more. You can access the internet for free. We have lots of free events, activities, learning opportunities. There is something for everyone. Anyone who lives, works, studies or visits the district can join the library. It's free to join, we are fine free and you don’t need ID, you can even access many of our services from home.
Your local library
Find out where your nearest Wakefield District library is, and the services it has to offer. -
How to use the Library
Learn how you can borrow and renew library items, as well as view our libraries policies and procedures. -
What Wakefield libraries offer
Find out how you can get the most out of our libraries and the services on offer, including: career support, children's book packs, and more. -
Library Information
Learn how you can make full use of our libraries in-person and online services. -
Local archives and family history
Find out how you can use our libraries to view historical documents, trace your genealogy, and more. -
Libraries policies and procedures
Learn more about the policies and procedures of our libraries within the Wakefield District.