What Wakefield libraries offer

Find out how you can get the most out of our libraries and the services on offer, including: career support, children's book packs, and more.

Our libraries are accredited as Libraries of Sanctuary.

This means they can provide a welcoming safe space, support and opportunities for everyone, including those fleeing war and persecution.

Woman sat down reading to three young children
  • Accessibility in Libraries

    Find out how our libraries have made accessibility accommodations for all users.
  • Books and audiobooks

    Learn more about the different ways you can use our libraries resources and find recommendations through our library blog.
  • Children and young people's services

    Find out what our libraries have on offer for children and young people, such as; online resources, classes, clubs, and more!
  • Bookstart

    Learn more about our libraries' Bookstart campaign, which provides free books to young children who are learning to read.
  • Maps printed on demand

    Learn more about the map printouts available at Wakefield Library: sizes, prices, and more.
  • Schools library service

    Learn more about Wakefield District's School's library service and what it has to offer.
  • Rooms for hire

    Find out which of our libraries has rooms available for hire, such as meeting rooms, and cinema screens.
  • Careers and digital support

    Learn what career support, advice, and resources are available through our libraries.
  • Dolly Parton imagination library

    Learn more about our Dolly Parton Imagination Library. A book scheme which provides books for under 4s, to promote early learning potential.

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