Wheelchair Service
What we do
- provide manual and powered wheelchairs and specialist seating
- this is to help people with clinical needs for posture and mobility
- offer repairs and planned preventative maintenance checks on our wheelchairs
How do I access the service?
- ask your GP or other healthcare professional to make a referral for you
- you'll be sent an appointment for an outpatient clinic to discuss your needs
- you can take a carer or relative with you
- we can visit you at home if you use oxygen or if you have medical conditions that prevent you from leaving home
What if I no longer need the item?
All wheelchairs and accessories are on free loan. But they remain our property and must be returned when no longer needed.
If you no longer need the wheelchair, please contact us on 01924 302448 and we will arrange to have our approved repair service collect it. If you wish you can return the wheelchair direct to us (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm).
Approved repair service
If one of our wheelchairs needs repairing please contact Ross Care on 0113 277 7007 between 8:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
They'll ask you:
- the wheelchair user's name, address and phone number
- the type of wheelchair (for example, battery operated or manual)
- what is wrong with the wheelchair and for any extra information useful to the visiting engineer
An emergency service is available (for Essential Users only) between 5pm and 11pm daily. This includes weekends and public holidays.
You can find more information in the 'conditions of loan' pack issued to you with your wheelchair.
Personal Wheelchair Budgets (PWB)
We now offer Personal Wheelchair Budgets (PWB) to anyone who is eligible for an NHS Wheelchair.
You can choose to take your PWB in the following ways:
- Notional Personal Wheelchair Budget
This is the provision of a standard NHS wheelchair to meet your identified needs
- Notional Personal Wheelchair Budget with contribution
This offers you the option to contribute towards your PWB if you want a higher specification of NHS wheelchair or add additional features than prescribed to meet your clinical needs. You will pay the difference between the cost
- Third-Party Personal Wheelchair Budget
You have the choice to use your Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB) to get a wheelchair from an independent supplier outside the NHS. This option is only available if the wheelchair is considered clinically appropriate. This will be determined after consultation with a wheelchair therapist
Contact Us
Wheelchair Service Unit 10, Trinity Business Park Turner Way Wakefield WF2 8EF