Ask for adult social care support

You can contact Social Care Direct by

Please note that this form can take 30 minutes to complete on average, and must be completed in one sitting. Please allow a sufficient amount of time when starting the form.

​Accessing Adult Social Care

You should contact Social Care Direct first if you or someone you know appears to need adult social care services in Wakefield.

Social Care Direct will make an assessment by asking questions over the phone. This gives the customer service adviser all relevant information to consider the help you might need.

If appropriate, your details will be passed to a community social work team to look at your social care needs. This w​ill include a visit to your home by a social worker.

If we don't think you need a social care assessment, we will give advice and information about what other agencies and support groups can offer.

If you are worried about the safety or well-being of an adult at risk or older person, please contact Social Care Direct. They will deal with your concerns and offer advice and support about what to do.

You do not need to give your name - you can make an anonymous referral.

About the Referral Form

This form is for services for adults aged 18 and over. Please see our Children and Families section for children under the age of 18.

If you are referring someone else for support, please provide as much information as you can. It is important to tell us the reason for the referral.

We have taken measures to protect the confidentiality and security of the information you provide.

Adult Social Care privacy notice

So that we can provide you with advice, support or services to keep you safe and well, and meet our legal responsibilities in adult social care we need to collect information about you.

A privacy notice explains:

  • how and why we use any information we collect about you
  • how we may share your information
  • how long we keep your information and your rights

You can access our Adult Social Care General Privacy Notice here.

You can access our Adult Social Care General Privacy Notice - Easy Read here.

Care and support assessment

You can learn more about care needs assessment in the Wakefield district, creating a care and support plan, using your personal budget and your personal assessment on our Care and Support Assessment page here.

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