Report a noise problem

It is not currently possible to log noise complaints online. We are sorry for any issues this may cause. Please telephone the 24-hour contact centre on 0345 8 506506 to report any noise complaints.

woman holding two cushions against her ears

Before you start your request

We deal with noise that is considered to be unreasonable to the average person, called a statutory nuisance in legal terms.

Only complete this form if you have already spoken to the person causing the noise, or if you are not willing to speak to them. 

Need advice on dealing with your complaint, or tips on how to approach your neighbour about noise? Please see our booklet: Your Neighbour, Your Choice.

You can also read our guide What is a Statutory Nuisance? to see if your complaint is covered by this legislation. If it is please ring us to report it.

If the noise is not a statutory nuisance, but is

  • unreasonable
  • having a detrimental effect
  • of a persistent or continuing nature
  • affecting the quality of life of those in the area

Then we may link in with the Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Team or the Police to consider action under their ASB legislation.

For more information see the West Yorkshire Police website.

Had a noise complaint made against you? 

Here are some simple things you can help to prevent causing a noise problem:

  • keep noise down late at night when neighbours are trying to sleep
  • let neighbours know if you're having a party, building work or other unusual activity – if people know what's happening and when it's due to end they are usually more accepting of it
  • try and understand why your dog might be barking, there will be a reason why and something you can do – the dogs trust has helpful tips to avoid barking
  • complete our Alarm Keyholder Registration Form so we know who to contact if your alarm goes off accidentally

What action we will take

We aim to provide the most suitable response for each noise complaint we receive. If this is the first complaint you have made, we will ask you for more information in a simple form.

When you return your completed form to an Officer will contact you to discuss if we can help you. Officers may then send an advisory letter or visit the person causing you the problem. This is often all that is required.

If this doesn't work, then our officers will investigate and gather evidence. They will then take formal statutory nuisance action if necessary.

What legal action we can take?

We have a range of powers available to deal with noisy neighbours, including:

  • serving a Legal Notice
  • seizing equipment used to cause noise nuisance
  • disconnecting sounding alarms
  • prosecuting people who continue to cause noise nuisance

You will need to tell us:

  • what the noise is
  • how often it happens
  • at what time of day it happens
  • who is responsible for the noise (if known)
  • your information is confidential and will not be disclosed to a third party

Noise from pubs, clubs and events 

If you have live music, or similar entertainment, the noise may affect neighbours. Read our simple Guide for managing entertainment noise.

It can help event organisers manage noise so it doesn't become a problem.

Code of Practice BS 5228 - Noise from construction and open sites

Construction activity generate more noise than is usual for an area. BS 5228 provides detailed guidance on how to control noise from construction activity.

Environmental Health also recommends planning conditions for large construction sites close to residents. Especially when sites will be in use for an extended time.

The main noise control is an hours restriction:

Monday to Friday 7:30am to 6pm

Saturday 8:30am to 2pm 

Contact Us

Environmental Health Wakefield Council Wakefield One PO Box 700 Burton Street Wakefield WF1 2EB

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