Land drainage and flood risk management
The district is drained via a network of about 300km of surface water becks and watercourses, which are divided into 39 catchments. To reduce flood risk many parts of the system would benefit from improvement works and regular maintenance.
Under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, we are now the Lead Local Flood Authority for the District.
We are looking to reduce the risk of surface water flooding from watercourses through our Land Drainage and Flood Risk Management Section. The work areas involve:
- The preparation of a Local Flood Risk Reduction and Surface Water Drainage Strategy for the district
- Representation on the Yorkshire Regional Flood Defence Committee which provides funding to the Environment Agency in Yorkshire and Humberside for flood mitigation works related to rivers.
- Contribution of approximately £100k annually to Local Levy which provides funding to the region's Councils for flood mitigation works related to watercourses.
- External funding bids for flood mitigation works
- Input to the Council's Local Development Framework relating to land use across the district
- Input to the planning system with regard to mitigation of additional drainage impact and flood risk resulting from proposed development
- Working with developers to ensure satisfactory schemes for drainage and flood risk mitigation are implemented
- Undertaking watercourse and beck management and improvement works
- Undertaking flood risk reduction schemes
- Providing advice across the Council on surface water drainage matters
- Undertaking an audit of the surface water watercourse and beck network
- Looking to develop a centralised reporting system for enquiries and complaints regarding watercourse, beck and surface water flood matters
- Discussions with riparian owners regarding their responsibilities for maintaining watercourses and becks.
Land drainage
We are the Land Drainage Authority in Wakefield district, with powers over all watercourses designated as ordinary watercourses or non-main rivers. If you have any concerns about surface water drainage matters please contact the Council's contact centre on 0345 8 506 506.
For matters relating to main rivers please contact the Environment Agency on 03708 506 506.
Highway flooding and drainage
Our Highways Authority is responsible for the maintenance of highway drainage systems, gullies and piped watercourses that run under the adopted highway network within the district.
For highway surface water flooding and highways drainage matters contact us on 0345 8 506 506.
Foul sewage
Yorkshire Water is an external organisation responsible for all adopted sewers, and sewerage infrastructure such as sewage pumping stations and sewage works. For matters relating to sewage please contact Yorkshire Water on 0345 124 2424.
If you have foul sewage in basements or in a property please contact our Environmental Health Section on 0345 8 506 506.
Contact Us
Highways and Engineering PO Box 700 Wakefield One Burton Street Wakefield WF1 2EB