Keeping your family well this winter

The winter months bring with them a rise in illnesses such as colds, flu and sickness bugs.

Here are three simple steps you can take to help keep your family healthy. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. wash your hands often to protect yourself and help stop the spread of germs
  2. cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, and throw the tissue away
  3. make sure your family are up-to-date with any vaccines you are eligible for. Children from Reception to Year 6 will be offered the flu vaccination at their school in the form of a nasal spray. The flu can make people very ill and can lead to other respiratory illnesses. It is important that you get the vaccine if you are eligible. You can find out more about flu vaccines on the NHS website.


Mental health advice for children and young people

Do you or your child need advice on their mental health? You can read our guide to children and young people’s wellbeing here.

You can also visit WY Healthier Together for advice and support on what to do if your child is struggling with their mental health. Please go to:

Asthma advice

To help with good asthma control:

  • take your preventer inhaler or treatment every day, even when you are well
  • it is important to get into a good routine with your inhalers in August before going back to school
  • know your triggers and manage these to avoid symptoms
  • make sure you know what to do when your asthma is getting worse
  • make sure you follow your asthma action plan and know what to do in an emergency
  • make sure you give school a rescue (blue) inhaler and a spacer
  • give school your school asthma action plan
  • update emergency contact numbers with school office
  • get the seasonal flu vaccine via school or your GP

To read more, please visit the NHS Healthier Together website.

NHS Healthier Together

If you’d like to learn more about your child’s health, visit Healthier Together, a website developed by local healthcare professionals in West Yorkshire. It gives parents and carers trusted advice and treatment options on a range of topics. 

Growing Healthy 0-19 Service App

Our 0 - 19 service has been working with Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust to develop a new app designed to support the development of children and young people.

The app provides a wide range of information and resources, including advice on how to make sure your child is ready for school.

You can download the app for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Search for ‘Children’s Health Service-HDFT’. 

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