Sandal Castle development


Wall repairs

Repairs to the perimeter wall on Manygates Lane will be taking place in 2021. A structural survey on the wall revealed that it could fall onto the path below causing serious injury. Supports were introduced and plans are in place to dismantle and rebuild the wall. 

Due to the wall being part of the Scheduled Ancient Monument, an application for Scheduled Monuments Consent (SMC) had to be made to the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport before any works could be carried out. Our application has been submitted and as soon as consent is given we will proceed with the works. 


New interpretation boards

A series of new signs were installed around the site in Spring 2020. These included several new safety signs as well as history boards helping visitors understand what they could see at Sandal Castle.

A white history board with information diagram about the Sandal Castle

New kissing gate

A new kissing gate was installed at the corner of the site nearest to Pugney’s lake to help visitors access the site from the public footpath. This was installed at the request of the Friends of Sandal Castle.

New memorial benches

Several more memorial benches were installed along the paths around the Castle to remember loved ones. If you would like further information and costs, please contact

A green coloured memorial bench along the paths of Sandal castle

2018 - 2019

Phase1: 2018 - Spring 2019

  • Repairs to the bridges and walkways took place. Structural issues had meant that the bridges needed to be strengthened to make them safe to use.
  • Removal of saplings and vegetation that were damaging the stonework

Phase 2: Summer - Autumn 2019

  • Carrying out repairs to the stonework including the addition of new stone, the replacement of failed mortar, the strengthening of the arches on the great hall and removing unwanted vegetation
  • Clearing out the debris down the wells and adding new grill covers

Further updates on planned works will be published on our Facebook page.

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Stonework in Sandal Castle

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