Tree preservation orders
What is a Tree preservation order (TPO)?
Councils can protect trees by making a TPO. This prevents the loss or damage of important trees. These special provisions also apply to trees within our designated Conservation Areas.
What is covered by a TPO?
A TPO can cover anything from a single tree, a group of trees, a specific area containing trees, or a woodland. A TPO can protect all trees, including hedgerow ones, regardless of species. However, a TPO does not apply to trees that are regularly maintained as a hedgerow, or to shrubs.
Further information about TPOs and Conservation Areas can be found on Gov UK.
Where are the TPOs?
TPOs in the Wakefield District can be viewed on the Council’s Public Map (Spectrum).
Specific TPO’s and Conservation Areas can also be found by searching an address on Where I Live.
Please note that Where I Live should not be used to define property boundaries.
To request a copy of a specific TPO please email
To ask for a tree to be assessed for a TPO, you can complete the TPO evaluation form.
Then, email it to The Council's Tree Officer will then visit the site and assess if the tree should be protected. The Officer will inform you of their decision within 28 days of the request's receipt.
The Officer's decision is final if a TPO is not made. Any further requests for the same tree or trees will not be considered for 12 months.
Applying to carry out works to trees with a TPO or within a Conservation Area
If a tree has a TPO or is in a Conservation Area, you need prior consent from the Council to fell or prune it.
To work on a protected tree (TPO and Conservation Area), you can apply online via the Planning Portal, or you can complete the Tree Works form and email it to Further information about works to trees is available on the Planning Portal.
Once a TPO tree work application is validated by the Council, the applicant can expect a decision within 8 weeks.
Once a notification to work on trees in a Conservation Area is validated by the Council, the applicant can expect a decision within 6 weeks.
There are some Exceptions to the application process however, namely:
- the removal of deadwood from trees
- the removal of fallen tree sections
- the removal of snapped and hanging branches from trees
For the Exception works, it would be courteous for the landowner to notify the Council before removing any of those items. This would allow it to address any public calls about alleged unauthorized work on protected trees. Also, if you have photographs of the tree parts you intend to remove, you could also email those to the Council at
What to do if unauthorised tree works are taking place
You can report alleged unauthorised works to a TPO or within a Conservation Area by emailing
Please include the TPO reference number if available.
Ignoring a TPO by damaging or working on a protected tree without prior Council permission is an offence. It may result in a fine. The fines will be set by the Courts and will dependent upon the level of the offence, which can range from £2,500 up to £20,000.
In serious cases a person may be committed for trial to the Crown Court and if convicted may be liable to an unlimited fine.
Contact Us
Tree Officer, Planning Policy and Environment, Wakefield Metropolitan District Council, Wakefield One, PO Box 700, Burton Street, Wakefield WF1 2EB