Planning Process and Committee
You can download a summary of the planning process
Decision process
Currently, decisions on planning applications are made in one of the following ways:
Internal weekly meeting
The decision is delegated to the Head of Department. These arrangements are part of the Council's Standing Orders. Most decisions on planning applications are made this way.
Planning and Highways Committee
The committee generally considers applications for larger or more controversial developments. The committee meets about every three weeks. There are no meetings during August. You can get more information about the committee on
Agendas and minutes
You can view the agendas and minutes of past Planning and Highways Committees and provisional agendas for future committees on
Attending and speaking
You may attend a committee if your application, or one you have commented on, is being considered.
The applicant and an objector, or a representative of a group of objectors, can speak at the meeting. This is at the discretion of the chair of the committee.
You should download these guidance notes for public speakers, if you wish to speak at a meeting.
You can get a hearing loop device, or headphones from the County Hall Reception.