Pre-Main modifications changes to Green belt settlement infill boundaries Summer 2022

This consultation ended on 27 July 2022.

All submitted comments may be viewed online using the Council's Consultation Portal.

The Council have undertaken a 'Pre-Main Modifications consultation. This was on changes to green belt settlement infill boundaries.

The consultation focused on changes to the policies map through the Schedule of Changes 2021(1.13). This was part of the submission of the Wakefield District Local Plan 2036 to the Planning Inspectorate.

This took place from Thursday 16 June to 5pm on Wednesday 27 July 2022.

The purpose was to allow for comments to be received. These were used to inform the main modifications consultation. You can view the document the Council sought comments on. Download Pre-Main Modifications Consultation. Changes to Green Belt Settlement Infill Boundaries, Summer 2022

Comments made should relate to:

  • legal and procedural compliance
  • the soundness of the modifications in the listed report

The tests of soundness are in the National Planning Policy Framework.

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