Report a problem with traffic lights or signals

Before you start your request
You will need to tell us:
- The type of lights or signals (permanent or temporary)
- Where the signals are
- What the problem is
- If you've told the Police and a log number if you have one
What you need to know
If there has been an accident in the last 12 hours at the traffic lights or signals you are reporting a problem with, please call the contact centre on the number below as a matter of urgency instead of filling this form in.
Please ring our contact centre on 03458 506 506 if it's an urgent problem like the ones listed here:
- Lights are stuck on red
- Lights are off altogether
- More than one red lamp is out
- A signal head is twisted, loose or damaged
- A signal head, pole or other equipment has been hit and damaged
Continue to the form if:
- A single lamp is out
- More than one lamp is out
- Lights are not working properly
- Lights are causing queues or congestion
- The green arrow does not come on
- There are problems with pedestrian crossings
Report a problem with traffic lights or signals
If you wish to report a problem with traffic lights or signals, please fill in our online form, after which you will receive an application number. If you provide us with an email address an automated acknowledgment of your request will be sent to you.