Children of Foster Carers Month

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

We're celebrating children of foster carers, this month.

Here's Millie and Kaitlin’s journey

Every foster carer’s story is unique, but it’s not just the carers themselves who play a pivotal role in a foster child’s life. Their own birth children are often deeply involved in the fostering experience. 

During Children of Foster Carers Month, we’re shining a light on these incredible young people. They welcome foster children into their homes, share their lives, and become a key part of their family’s fostering journey.

For Millie and Kaitlin, this journey was transformative in ways they never expected. Initially, the idea of fostering brought feelings of uncertainty. Like many children whose parents consider fostering, Millie wondered if she’d be “pushed out of the nest” or if she would have to compete for attention with the new children entering their lives. But as their family grew, so did their understanding, love, and the bond they shared.

Millie and Kaitlin soon found themselves becoming active participants in the fostering process. From joining the initial meetings with social workers to helping settle in the foster children, they quickly realised that fostering wasn’t about losing something, but about gaining a bigger family. They’ve formed connections with the new children in their home, and each new relationship has brought lessons in compassion, gratitude, and understanding.

What’s more, fostering has made Millie and Kaitlin proud of their parents in new ways. Seeing their family make a tangible difference in the lives of vulnerable children has instilled in them a deep sense of responsibility, empathy, and pride. They’ve also learned to appreciate the privileges and stability in their own lives while understanding the challenges faced by foster children.

Watch Millie and Kaitlin’s discuss their experiences: 

Their story is one of many that demonstrates the positive impact fostering can have on birth children. It highlights the importance of openness, communication, and involvement in the fostering process – factors that help ease the transition and strengthen family relationships.

This Children of Foster Carers Month, we celebrate Millie, Kaitlin, and all the birth children who play such a vital role in fostering. They are not just passive observers; they are active contributors, providing support, friendship, and love to children who need it most. These young people are a reminder that fostering changes lives – not just for foster children, but for entire families.

If you’ve ever wondered what fostering could mean for your own family, Millie and Kaitlin’s story is a perfect example of the rewards that come with embracing new challenges and expanding your heart and home.

To find out more about fostering with us and more fostering family stories visit our webpages here. 

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