Policies and procedures

Find out more on policies and procedures at Wakefield Council, emergency planning, council meetings, the constitution and town and parish charters.

holding a pen over a document
  • Council meetings

    View details on how to view Council meetings as they happen, and how they can be streamed live to your device.
  • Comprehensive impact assessment

    Information on Comprehensive Impact Assessment. (CIA) is in place to make sure that the possible implications, intended or unintended, of all our strategies, plans, policies, major projects or programmes are identified.
  • Constitution

    Read the Wakefield Council constitution, how we operate, how decisions are made and the procedures we follow. This ensures what we do is efficient, transparent and accountable to the public.
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

    Find out what Wakefield Council is doing to stay committed to working for all our residents, business, partners across the district.
  • Emergency planning

    Information on emergency planning at Wakefield Council, general information, business continuity, planning for emergencies.
  • Our Corporate Plan

    Learn about our plan for the future of Wakefield residents.

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