Accommodation for homeless 16/17-year-olds
This policy relates to sixteen- and seventeen-year-old young people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The policy has been designed to ensure that:
- all young people, aged 16 to 17, will be given with accommodation and support to meet their immediate needs
- all professionals working with young people must collaborate in a coordinated manner
- this is so you can address their accommodation needs and take necessary measures to ensure that no young person is left without a place to sleep
- if a young person needs accommodation, they should be referred to Children and Young People's Services
- this can be done through the Social Care Direct Customer Service Centre at 0345 8 503 503
- both the Housing Needs Service and Children and Young People's Service will work together as part of a joint protocol
- this is to assist with the housing and supporting the needs of homeless 16- and 17-year-old
- the joint protocol will ensure that the needs of this group of young people are properly assessed
- this ensures that decisions are made appropriately, and services are delivered to meet their needs
Wakefield's policy and procedure for the provision of accommodation to homeless young people, aged 16 to 17, is underpinned by the following legislation and guidance:
- The Children Act 1989 (S17 and S20)
- Working together to Safeguard Children 2015
- Housing Act 1996/Homelessness Act 2002
- Joint statutory guidance and legal advice in relation to the 'Southwark
- Judgement (May 2009)'
- Guidance to children’s services and local housing authorities
The policy fits with the Council's goals for children and young people. This is outlined in the Integrated Children and Young People's Strategy 2016/17.