What can help recovery from COVID-19
Recovering from COVID
Live Well Wakefield provides information and help to support healthy living in Wakefield. This program provides a 6-week self-management course to help individuals improve their health and well-being while dealing with Post-COVID symptoms. The program offers tools and techniques and is accessible online through the Microsoft Teams app. You can take part from the comfort of your own home using a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.
There are also lots of simple things that can help.
Eating well
Eating well is important as the body needs foods that contain energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals to help recovery.
Having a healthy balanced diet supports with
- rebuilding muscles
- maintaining the immune system
- increasing energy levels
This will allow a return to normal everyday activities. For more information and ideas about what to eat click here: Eating Well | Your COVID Recovery.
Sleeping well
Sleep is really important to health and wellbeing. Some people find that their sleep has changed because of COVID. For more information about why COVID can change sleep and what can aid better sleep click here: Sleeping Well | Your COVID Recovery.
Improving breathing
Singing and breathing exercises are a proven evidenced-based way to improve breathing when recovering from illness such as COVID. Relax-breathe-harmonise is a 10-week programme for people affected by long-COVID.
Getting moving again
COVID can affect people’s fitness, muscle strength and ability to do the everyday things they used to do. It is important to get back to normal activity levels at a steady pace. For more information on how to get moving again after COVID click here: Getting Moving Again | Your COVID Recovery.
A gentle walk or steady cycle can also be a good way to return to exercise. Here are some ideas and links to further information and local groups.
Wakefield District Cycle Forum’s free social rides
Cycle North are delivering:
- free adult ‘back to basics’ cycle confidence sessions
- free ‘commuter’ sessions
- free ‘learn to ride’ cycle training for children aged 5+
More information can be found on their website: Cycle Training in Wakefield | United Kingdom | Cycle North
Bike Hire is available from Thornes Park Stadium, Anglers Country Park, Pugneys and Aspire@thePark
Open Country deliver weekly activities for people with disabilities. These include walking and cycling: Activities | Open Country
The Louisa Fennell Trail is a fun way to get walking and learn local history: The Louisa Fennell Walking Trail – The Forgotten Women of Wakefield
The WoW and Wheel cycle maps are also now available free of charge among other maps
Mental health
Recovering from COVID can affect both the mind and body and is important to look after mental health as part of COVID recovery. For more information, visit the following page: Effects On Your Mind | Your COVID Recovery.
Turning point offer a 'living well with long-COVID' course via webinar. This will help develop coping strategies to improve health and wellbeing.
Please remember if you are feeling overwhelmed right now and need support – there are people who can help.
Find urgent NHS help at the following page: Find a local NHS urgent mental health helpline in England
There are several national services run by voluntary organisations that offer confidential advice from trained volunteers. You can contact them 24 hours a day/seven days a week.
Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, or email: jo@samaritans.org for a reply within 24 hours.
Text “SHOUT” to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line.
youngminds.org.uk – a comprehensive site supporting the mental health of young people in times of crisis.