Biodiversity Duty

Biodiversity Duty First Considerations Report

A crane flying through the air

Under the Environment Act 2021, public authorities who operate in England must consider what they can do to conserve and enhance the country's biodiversity. This is the strengthened ‘biodiversity duty’.

This means that, as a public authority, we must:

  1. consider what we can do to conserve and enhance biodiversity
  2. agree policies and specific objectives based on our consideration
  3. act to deliver our policies and achieve our objectives

This First Considerations Report is the Councils first consideration and will aim to:

  • respond to the new corporate Biodiversity Duty imposed on Councils to propose and report on actions for biodiversity within a Biodiversity Report
  • deliver and monitor Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) as a mandatory requirement of new major development from 12 February 2024, and minor development from 2 April 2024, which must form part of the Biodiversity Report

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