Kirkgate Innovative Neighbourhood Gateway (KING)
Key details

The KING project involves the demolition of buildings to make space for new housing and invigorated public spaces.
This project will create new housing to bring people into the city centre. It will keep some of the existing shop units to incorporate into the proposed residential development. This will help make Kirkgate a vibrant place to live, work and play.
- buy and demolish old commercial properties on the site by spring 2024
- deliver improvements to the Harewood Arms and other business that will remain on site by 2024/25
- encourage the delivery of 87 attractive modern housing units and associated estate roads as well as new public spaces by spring 2026
- new and improved residential, commercial and community spaces
- creation of new long-term jobs in the city
- more city centre footfall and spending in local shops and restaurants
- make Kirkgate a safer gateway into the city

- June 2022 - Business case submitted to Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
- August 2022 - Demolition of former ABC Cinema site begins. Negotiations to buy neighbouring properties will continue
This project is part of Wakefield’s £24.1m Towns Deal. Funding for this project expires on 31 March 2026.