Report Blue Badge fraud

a car parked over a blue disable marking in a car park

Before you start your request

You will need to tell us:

  • The name on the badge, the badge's serial number, and the person using it
  • The location of the vehicle, it's registration, and the time of day it can be found there

We take allegations of Blue Badge fraud seriously.

It is a criminal offence for non-disabled people to use a blue badge and you can be fined up to £1,000.
It is a criminal offence to drive a car that is displaying a Blue Badge without the badge holder in the vehicle.

Report Blue Badge fraud

If you wish to report Blue Badge fraud, please fill in our online form, you will receive an application number. If you provide us with an email address an automated confirmation of your request will be sent to you.

Please also note that this form can be filled out anonymously.

How would you like to continue

Contact Us

Blue Badge PO Box 700 Wakefield One WF1 2EB

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