Highways Asset Management

As the Highway Authority, Wakefield council has certain legal obligations it must meet to ensure the highway network is safe and fit for purpose. Learn more about highway infrastructure, highway asset management funding, and more.

A birds eye view of motorway bridges crossing over each other
  • Highways asset management funding

    Highways assets include carriageways, footways, structures and bridges, street lighting, and other street furniture such as signage and traffic signals.
  • Adoption of Highways

    Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 allows for new roads and highways to adopted and publicly maintained by the Local Authority.
  • Highway infrastructure network

    Wakefield Council is applying the principles of the national guidance which advocates a 'risk based' approach to highway asset management.
  • Highways service performance

    The national highways and transportation network (NHT) surveys public opinion on highway and transport services in local authority areas.
  • Section 278 – Amendments or addition to the Existing Road Networks

    Learn more about the Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980. This allows developers to enter into an agreement with the Council for works to be undertaken to make permanent amendments or improvements to a public highway.

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