Swimming lessons
Before you enrol for swimming lessons
Children may be asked to take a swim test with an instructor.
Swim tests are for children who are:
- new to the Aspire Health learn to swim programme
- children who may have previous swimming experience
When the swim test is completed, the instructor will tell you:
- which stage of the programme will best suit your child’s swimming ability
- give you further information on what to do next and how to enrol
Swimming lessons we offer
Baby & Toddler Lessons: (6 months – 3yrs)
Introduce babies and toddlers to the water. Games-based learning environment with adult support.
(Children must be accompanied in the pool with an adult.)
Pre-school Lessons: (3yrs – 4yrs)
FUNdamental movement through water and more independence. Aim to engage your child through the enjoyment of water-based games.
(Children must be accompanied in the pool with an adult.)
Aqua Learner: (5yrs+ or completion of the Preschool programme)
Stage 1
- developing basic safety awareness, the 'class' scenario
- basic movement skills and water confidence skills
Swimmers may use armbands and floats for extra help.
Stage 2
- developing safe entries into the water (including jumping in and basic floating)
- travel 5 metres and rotation unaided to regain upright positions
Improver Swimmer
Working through Swim England's Learn to swim programme:
Stage 3
- developing safe entries (including submersion)
- travel up to 10 metres on the front and back
- progress rotation skills
- water safety knowledge
Stage 4
- developing the understanding of buoyancy through a range of skills
- refining kicking technique for all strokes (over a distance of least 10 metres)
Stage 5
- developing 'watermanship' through sculling and treading water skills, and complete rotation
- performing all four strokes over a distance of at least 10 metres
Advance Swimmer
Stage 6
- developing effective swimming skills (including coordinated breathing)
- developing the water safety aspects and understanding of preparation for exercise
Stage 7
- developing quality stroke techniques up to 100 metres
- incorporating skills learnt and combining them to develop a linked routine
- complete an obstacle course using a variety of skills accomplished throughout stages 1-7
Rookie Lifeguard
This course can run alongside your child's current swimming lessons.
This course extends the skills and abilities of young swimmers. It will cover survival, rescue, and sports skills.
Each stage of the Rookie Lifeguard programme is divided up into three levels:
- bronze stages
- silver stages
- gold stages
Following the completion of each stage, Rookie Lifeguards can receive:
- a certificate
- badge
- sticker
This will mark their progress in their own Progress Book.
Fast Track Swimming lessons
Fast-track swimming lessons take place during most school holidays. Each lesson will be 30 minutes and will cover water confidence and independence.
Adult Swimming Lessons
In our 'beginners' lessons, you will receive individual tuition in small classes of 6.
Lessons are for adults who are:
- non-swimmers
- lack water confidence
We will provide all the necessary equipment for your sessions.
Register your interest in adult swimming lessons
SEND Support Swimming Lessons
Junior SEND swimming lessons support children with special educational needs or disabilities.
What’s different?
- lower than normal class sizes
- parent/guardian required in the water to support the swimmer
- quiet pool times
The SEND support lessons do work towards Swim England Learn to Swim Programme.
To enrol or for more information please email aquatics@wakefield.gov.uk.