Learning disabilities

There are two Community Teams for Learning Disabilities in Wakefield. One for the East based in Castleford, and one for the West based in Outwood. They work to provide care and support to adults and young people. These adults and young people will have a diagnosed learning disability.

The team provide assessments for adults with a learning disability. They also help to support their carers.

The aims of the two teams are:

  • make detailed assessments by looking at service users' needs
  • give appropriate services, so people can develop skills. The services will also help them to live independently
  • work with health colleagues to look at the Learning Disability pathway
  • signpost to other services if needed

The teams use person-centred planning. This lets the service user, their families and carers have a say in what they would like to do. This can include employment, leisure and social activities. It will need to be agreed to by their allocated social worker. This is to make sure it is in line with their assessed needs.

An individual will have eligible needs if they:

  • have care and support needs because of a mental or physical condition
  • they cannot achieve two or more of the specified outcomes
  • there is a significant impact on their wellbeing because of their condition

The financial assessment process will also be explained. There may be a financial contribution that a service user may have to make. This is because adult social care is a chargeable service to all.

Social Care Direct is the first point of contact. They will pass on your details to the right service. You can contact them on 0345 8 503 503.

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