Safeguarding Adults Board
The Wakefield and District Safeguarding Adults Board (WDSAB) works to help keep adults in the community safe. Especially those who might be at risk of harm or neglect.
It’s made up of different organisations such as:
- the Council
- Police
- health services
- third sector organisations
They all work together to protect people and make sure they get the right help when they need it.
Who is part of the Board?
The Board is led by an independent chair, Diane Hampshire. It has both statutory members (organisations required by law to be part of the Board) and non-statutory members.
Statutory members include
- Wakefield Council
- West Yorkshire Police
- Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership (ICB - NHS)
Non-statutory members include
- Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
- South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service
- Healthwatch Wakefield
- HM Prison Service
- Spectrum Community Health
- Independent Care Home Representative
- Voluntary and Community Sector (VCSE) Representative
This wide range of partners helps the Board work effectively. It protects people from harm and promotes wellbeing.
What does the Board do?
The Board’s main job is to bring everyone together to agree on the best ways to keep people safe. They make sure that if abuse or neglect happens, the person affected gets the support they want and need. Their work is all about helping people stay safe, live with dignity, and feel in control of their own lives.
The Board is responsible for Wakefield’s Joint Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures. The Board also produces local contacts and practice resources for Wakefield.
How do they do this?
The Board focuses on six main principles:
- Empowerment – Supporting people to make their own choices
- Prevention – Taking action early to stop harm from happening
- Proportionality – Responding in a way that fits the situation
- Protection – Helping those who are in most danger
- Partnership – Working together as a team across different organisations
- Accountability – Making sure everyone knows what they’re responsible for
Plans and Reviews
The Board creates a plan every three years to show what they’re working on and updates it every year to make sure they’re on track. They also write an annual report to share what’s been achieved and what’s still to be done. If something goes very wrong and a person is seriously harmed, they carry out a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR). This is to learn lessons and improve services.
Here you can find the most recent versions of the strategic plan and annual report along with all Board documentation.
Annual reports and Strategic documents
- WDSAB annual report 2021 to 2022
- WDSAB annual report 2022 to 2023
- WDSAB annual report 2023 to 2024
- Safeguarding Adults Board strategy summary
Making Safeguarding Personal
The Board believes in the saying: “No decision about me, without me.” This means that when someone needs safeguarding, their views and wishes are always listened to and respected. Safeguarding isn’t about taking control away. It’s about working with people to help them feel safe and supported in the way that’s right for them.
By working together, the Board aims to make Wakefield a safe and supportive place for all adults.