Safer Wakefield

Wakefield SEND Local Offer

Learn what support is available for families with children and young people ages 0-25 years with special educational needs

Our district is one of the safest in West Yorkshire. To ensure it stays the safest, we work with partners on a range of safety schemes. From promoting Ask for Angela to fight hate crime and modern slavery. There is also support available for victims of domestic abuse.

Image of a group of people putting their hands together in a circle.
  • Ask for Angela

    Feeling threatened or unsafe? On a date that isn’t working out? Or does it all just feel a bit weird? Ask for Angela in participating venues across the Wakefield district.
  • WalkSafe Wakefield

    Find out about and download the WalkSafe app.
  • Hate crime

    Reporting hate crime is easy and can help save lives. If you are a victim, or a witness, of a hate crime please report it.
  • Domestic abuse

    Learn more about domestic abuse, what it is, different types of abuse, getting support and help with domestic abuse, and information about our domestic abuse strategy.
  • Modern Slavery and Human trafficking

    Modern slavery is the illegal exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain. It covers a wide range of abuse and exploitation including human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude.
  • Prevent in Wakefield

    Prevent is one of the four core elements of the Government's CONTEST strategy for countering terrorism and to support vulnerable people to stop them from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
  • Community safety partnership

    Find information about Safer Together and the work being done with partner organisations to keep the Wakefield District a safe place for local people and communities.
  • Safe Zones

    Safe Zones are places you can go if you feel threatened, unsafe or scared when out and about in the district.

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